

actionTypes?: ActionType[]
adaptsToFence?: boolean
allowedTiles?: TerrainType[]
alwaysInspectable?: true
attackable?: true
blockJump?: boolean
blockLos?: boolean
blockMove?: boolean
burnsLike?: ItemType[]
canBreak?: boolean
canGrow?: boolean
canGrowInCaves?: boolean
canTrampleWhenMature?: boolean
causesStatus?: (StatusType | [status: StatusType, level: number])[]
civilizationScore?: number

The amount of civilization score to give when building this.

containedItemGroupProvidesSkill?: IProvidesSkill

Item groups of this type in the container will provide skill bonuses to adjacent players.

containedItemsContributeToCivilizationScore?: boolean
damage?: number
decayMax?: number

number of game ticks until decay

decayTemperatureRange?: IDecayTemperatureRange
disableDrop?: boolean
displayDoodad?: SupplierOr<undefined | DisplayableDoodadType, [default]>

The doodad type to display instead of the describe doodad type.

doorToggled?: DoodadType
durability?: number

Mostly used for canGrow doodads

gather?: IDoodadLoot
gatherCanHurtHands?: boolean
gatherPickUp?: ILootItem[]

Works with "Gather"-based actions.

gatherSkillUse?: SkillType
getRandomNameOnTemplateSpawn?: ((doodad: default) => undefined | default)

Type declaration

    • (doodad: default): undefined | default
    • Called when the doodad is built via templates


      Name to set the doodad to or undefined to not name it.


      Returns undefined | default

graphicVariation?: boolean
group?: DoodadTypeGroup[]
growsIntoTerrain?: TerrainType

After the plant is fully grown, it morphs into this terrain type.

growthParticles?: IDoodadParticles
harvest?: IDoodadLoot
imageCount?: number

The number of alternate textures that this image has. Not supported for most things.

imagePath?: string

A replacement image to use. Used in modding.

isAnimated?: boolean | ISpriteAnimation
isClosed?: boolean
isDoor?: boolean
isFence?: boolean
isFlammable?: boolean
isGate?: boolean
isIslandPort?: boolean
isTall?: boolean
isTrap?: boolean
isTree?: boolean
isVehicle?: boolean
isWall?: boolean
isWaterSource?: boolean
itemStackOffset?: number
itemStackRegion?: IItemStackRegion | ((doodad: default) => undefined | IItemStackRegion)
leftOver?: DoodadType

When gathered completely, convert to a new DoodadType

lightColor?: IRGB
lockedChest?: ILockedChest
meltFromItem?: ItemType

Item that defines the decay amount when this doodad is melting.

meltsInto?: TileEventType[]

Array of tile events that are spawned when doodad (or things connected to the doodad) melts.

modIndex?: number

Do not provide or modify this value, only reference it. This is set by the modding system during the process of registration.

particles?: IRGB
pickUp?: ItemType[]

Works with "PickUpDoodad" action, typically used for doodads that you can "build" like walls, furnaces, etc.

preservationChance?: number

Chance that things will decay inside it

providesFire?: boolean
providesLight?: number
reduceDurabilityOnGather?: boolean
renderAsSprite?: boolean | Partial<{
    columns: number;
    renderOffsetY: number;
    rows: number;

Use SpriteBatch to render the doodad instead of tile based rendering

repairItem?: ItemType
revert?: DoodadType
skillUse?: SkillType
spawnOnTerrain?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, TerrainType[]>
spawnOnWorldGen?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, OptionalDescriptions<WorldZ, OptionalDescriptions<TerrainType, number>>>
spreadMax?: number
storeDecay?: boolean

Set to true if we want to store decay, but not have it active (in the case of torches)

subTypes?: DoodadTypeExtra[]
temperature?: number

The produced temperature of this object — objects whose temperature affects surrounding objects. A number between Temperature.Coldest and Temperature.Hottest. When not provided, Temperature.Neutral is used.

tier?: OptionalDescriptions<DoodadTypeGroup, number>
tileLayerType?: TileLayerType
tileOverLayerType?: TileLayerType
trapDamage?: number
useRendererAdapter?: "Door"

Allows overiding the adapter

usesSpores?: boolean
waterPurificationTurns?: number

The amount of turns it takes to purify the water.

waterStill?: boolean
weightCapacity?: number

container maximum weight


  • Parameters

    • island: default
    • tile: default
    • doodad: undefined | default
    • existingVariationX: number
    • existingVariationY: number

    Returns undefined | [number, number]

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